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Billing and Pricing

A water rate increase went into effect on January 1, 2018.

The District’s water rates consist of two parts. One part is the service charge and the other part is the usage charge. The usage charge is for the amount of water used as measured at the meter, multiplied by the appropriate water usage rates. The total charged is the sum of the service charge and usage.

Annual Service Charges (regardless of water use)

Capacity Based Meter Service Charge

3/4″ Meter416.76
1″ Meter696.00
1.5″ Meter1,387.80
2″ Meter2,221.32
3″ Meter4,167.60
4″ Meter6,947.40
6″ Meter13,890.60

Bimonthly Tiered Quantity Rates (applies to all water use)

Calendar YearFirst Tier ($/CCF)Second Tier ($/CCF)


Special Service

Special service shall include, among others, water service to schools, camps, and institutions that cannot be readily classified with the above. Special service rates shall be determined based on the above considering the fixtures and facilities served. The total charge shall be the sum of the charges for each building or facility.


Private Fire Protection Service

The annual service charge for a six-inch meter for a private fire protection service shall be $480. There is not charge for water used for fire suppression; however, the charge for water used for any other purpose is $17.50/CCF.



  • CF = Cubic Feet
  • CCF = One Hundred Cubic Feet
  • All rates and quantities apply to each service connection, regardless of meter size.